Jan 26, 2020, 9:51 PM

Iran congratulates Lebanon on formation of new government

Iran congratulates Lebanon on formation of new government

TEHRAN, Jan. 26 (MNA) – Foreign Ministry Spokesman Abbas Mousavi felicitated the formation of the new cabinet to Lebanese nation and government.

“Forming the government in current regional and international conditions according to the demands of the Lebanese people is a positive step towards tackling the problems in the country,” said Mousavi in a statement on Sunday night.

“We hope that the new government could fulfill the demands of the Lebanese nation which have great achievements in resistance against occupation and tyranny,” he added.

The Islamic Republic of Iran hopes the new Lebanese government, which has been formed based on the nation’s demands, would overcome all challenges and materialize its plans for the development of the country and for creating security and welfare, said the spokesman.

He went on to say that Iran fully backs the new Lebanese government and is ready to further expand bilateral ties with the country.

The new government, which consists of 20 ministers, is led by the newly-appointed Prime Minister Hassan Diab, who has been the frontrunner for the position for weeks. Describing it as a rescue government, Diab said the new cabinet does not represent a political group or party.

MNA/ 4836021

News ID 154985


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