Oct 5, 2005, 7:46 PM

BIPC, pioneer in exporting petrochemicals

TEHRAN, Oct. 5 (MNA) — By exporting petrochemical products worth nearly $23m, Bandar Imam Petrochemical Complex (BIPC) ranked first among Iran’s petrochemical complexes, said a report released by ISNA on Wednesday.

Khark Petrochemical Complex exported products valued at $1m and stood second.


Tabriz Petrochemical Complex with the an export value of 350,405 dollars, Fanavaran with exporting petrochemicals worth 200,000 dollars stand third, fourth, and fifth respectively.


Khuzestan Petrochemical with an export value of 39,000 dollars and Amirkabir with 22,600 dollars export have gained the next ranks respectively.


Moreover, 32,753 tons petrochemicals valued at some Rls.161b have been produced in 12 petrochemical complexes and have been supplied to the domestic markets.






News ID 13223

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