Jun 12, 2005, 9:39 PM

Iran to construct first wind power plant in Armenia

TEHRAN, June 12 (MNA) — Based on the accords signed by Iran and Armenia recently, SANIR Co. will construct four units of wind power plant in Armenia in the next two months, Ali Kadkhodaii, managing director of SANIR Co. said on Sunday.

The capacity of the power plant is 2.5 MW experimentally and it is the first of the power plant that Iran is to construct outside its borders, he added.  


Iran and Armenia signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) here on Saturday to bolster bilateral cooperation in the field of electricity.


The MOU was signed by Iran's Energy Minister Habibollah Bitaraf and his Armenian counterpart Armen Movsisyan.


Under the MOU, Iran and Armenia reached consensus to implement the third 400-kW two-circuit transmission line project, valued at 90 million dollars.


The two countries are also slated to implement the second phase of Iran-Armenia pipeline project valued at 130 million dollars along with the complementary project of the fifth unit of Harazdan thermal power plant.


Under the framework of the agreement, Iranian companies of the Iran Power Plant Projects Management Company (MAPNA) and SANIR are due to add a new unit of gas power plant, capable of being transformed into combined cycle, to Armenia. The project is worth 150 million dollars.






News ID 11622

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