Oct 9, 2004, 11:17 PM

Tehran Times Opinion Column, Oct. 10, By Hassan Hanizadeh

From Gaza to Taba

TEHRAN, Oct. 9 (MNA) -- The bombings that occurred on Thursday night at the Egyptian resorts in Taba, Ras al-Sultan, and Nuweiba hold a message that both the United States and Israel should carefully analyze.

The three blasts happened at short intervals, killing 30 Israeli tourists and wounding over one hundred people, including some other foreign tourists.  


Taba, which is located on the coast of the Red Sea, is a popular resort for Israelis and every year thousands of Zionists spend their holidays there.


The fact that the blasts occurred in an area which is under tight security by Egyptian police forces shows that the perpetrators made use of extremely detailed planning and were in complete coordination.


Although all world religions prohibit the killing of non-combatants and innocent civilians, the Zionist regime has played a major role in the expansion of this evil phenomenon.


Over the past ten days Israel has stepped up its attacks against the innocent Palestinian people living in northern Gaza. Almost a hundred Palestinian civilians were martyred and hundreds of others wounded during the onslaught.


Members of the Arab League tried to stop Israel’s attacks on non-combatant Palestinians by calling for a UN Security Council resolution censuring Israel, but it was unjustifiably vetoed by the United States.


The U.S. veto of the draft resolution which was proposed by Arab countries is a sign of the duplicity of White House officials toward the phenomenon of international terrorism.


How can the U.S. allow Israel to massacre Palestinians with impunity despite its so-called campaign against terrorism and at the same time expect others to remain silent about these crimes?


Why is it that as soon as Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon orders the massacre of Palestinian residents of the Gaza Strip, the U.S. calls on Palestinian resistance groups to exercise restraint, but never adopts similar measures toward Sharon’s crimes?


Yet, regional nations and Muslims throughout the world, who are closely following developments in occupied Palestine, cannot continue to remain silent observers of the illogical double-standard policies of the U.S.


The bomb blast in Taba that killed a group of Israeli tourists was one of the most dangerous events that took place after the Zionist army’s recent massacres of Palestinians in Gaza.


The explosion showed that the campaign against the evil phenomenon of state-sponsored terrorism, which is practiced by Israel, has extended beyond the borders of Palestine and this will lead to dangerous consequences for the Zionist regime.


If Israel fails to revise its policies toward the Palestinians it will certainly have to pay a heavy price outside the Palestinian territories.


This is because the issue of the occupied territories is not just restricted to the Palestinian nation but is a matter for 1.5 billion Muslims throughout the world who, in spite of certain differences in their viewpoints, can never remain silent about the fate of their Palestinian co-religionists and will respond by any means necessary.  






News ID 8353

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