Apr 3, 2024, 11:15 AM

Moscow strongly condemns Israeli airstrikes inside Syria

Moscow strongly condemns Israeli airstrikes inside Syria

TEHRAN, Apr. 03 (MNA) – Russia strongly condemns Israeli airstrikes inside Syria and regards them as a gross violation of the country's sovereignty, said Russia’s envoy to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya.

According to TASS, Nebenzya said at a meeting of the Security Council on Tuesday, "The Russian Federation strongly condemns the ongoing airstrikes on the sovereign territory of Syria, viewing them as a gross violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of that country".

He added, "We believe such aggressive actions by Israel, which are designed to further inflame the conflict, are unacceptable and must be stopped."

The diplomat said Russia calls on Israel to abandon "the practice of provocative forceful actions on the territory of Syria" and other neighboring countries, as such actions are fraught with "extremely dangerous risks and consequences" for the entire region.

Nebenzya also added that the blame for a potential escalation in the Middle East due to Israel's strike on Iranian diplomatic facilities in Syria will lie entirely on the conscience of the US, the UK, and France.

On April 1, the Syrian news agency SANA reported that the Israeli Air Force struck a building in Damascus. Iranian news media said the building was an Iranian consulate. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps said seven military advisers were martyred in the attack.


News ID 213472


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