Mar 26, 2021, 11:00 AM

Iran friendly advises EU to grow a spine

Iran friendly advises EU to grow a spine

TEHRAN, Mar. 26 (MNA) -- In a sarcastic tweet to what he called the European honeymoon and Biden administration, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman reminded that the US coercive treatment of Trump did not begin and will not end after him.

In a tweet on Thu., Saeed Khatibzadeh wrote, “Don't mean to interrupt anyone's honeymoon, but it sounds like Pompeo-style US "diplomacy" is here to stay. Should be yet another wake-up call: US' high-handed treatment of others, didn't start with Trump & won't end after him. Friendly advice to the E3/EU: Grow a spine.”

The EU-Biden honeymoon is coupled with American macho behavior in dealing with other nations that began with Trump admiration, but did not end after his adventurist exit from the White House, he reiterated.

Khatibzadeh sarcastically added, "We do not intend to mess up anyone’s honeymoon, but apparently the Pompeo-style diplomacy is scheduled to continue."

“This must be regarded as a new red alarm about the US macho behavior in dealing with the others that began with Trump and is scheduled to continue after him,” he added.

Khatibzadeh kindly advised the EU troika to have a little gut.


News ID 171411


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