Apr 28, 2019, 8:04 PM

By: Damir Nazarov

Navvab Safavi’s life should inspire Muslim Brotherhood to revolution

Navvab Safavi’s life should inspire Muslim Brotherhood to revolution

TEHRAN, Apr. 28 (MNA) – The news about the deportation of a young Egyptian from Turkey to the junta of Egypt proved once again that Ankara uses easily various Islamic organizations for its own purposes, and when the time comes, it parts with them also easily.

Turkey is difficult to blame for something as it just plays its role in American game. Turkey is a NATO member, but many Muslims tend to believe the media image according to which “Erdogan is a Muslim defender” and similar nonsense because of their political illiteracy and naivety.

As for Muhammad Abdul Hafiz Hussein's issue, the Egyptian Ikhwans are guilty themselves. They did not become a real revolutionary and political force in time, and now they have to exist on puppet terms in such countries as Turkey and Qatar. These pro-American countries were chosen by Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt as their main allies at the turn of 2011-2013 and they are forced now to serve the local governments of these countries. As the saying goes "blame yourself".

But not all Ikhwans believe Turkish tales. So the member of the Brotherhood, Kamal Al-Helbawi, pointed out a special role of Iran concerning the protection of Ummah from US and Zionist conspiracies. In February 2019, Kamal will write a very interesting article about the necessary progress in relations between Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood, where the martyr Navvab Safavi is presented as an example.

The example of a great revolutionary is not the only one in respect of cooperation between the parties, but it will always be a unique one since the sacrifice in the name of justice and the spirit of revolution deserve a special attitude. Navvab Safavi was such a revolutionary.

In my opinion, the situation with Muhammad Hussein in Turkey and the words by Kamal Al-Helbawi about the role of Iran for Ummah are a direct hint from the Almighty concerning the path the young confrontationist Ikhwans should follow. That is, we mean those who are ready to rebel against the tyranny of Egypt and at the same time ignite the hearts of all Ummah Muslims who are held captive by the local dictators.

 It is time to reconsider our alliances and adopt the Islamic revolutionary ideology. In this scenario, it will become clear that the Islamic Republic of Iran is the only ally for Ikhwans, and therefore it’s time to revive the tradition of the revolutionary struggle by Navvab Safavi. By the way, it’s a well-known fact that the Iranian revolutionary warned the Egyptian military under the leadership of Nasser about the terrorization of the Muslim Brotherhood members and the head of the organization, Said Kutb.

 Otherwise, Safavi promised to lead the armed struggle against the dictatorship of Egypt personally. This fact is enough to realize the power of historical ties between the Islamic elite of Iran and the Egyptian Ikhvans. Accordingly, it is necessary to take an example from the past and try to implement the plans of Said Kutb and Navvab Safavi.

The Iranian example shows that the only way to unite the Ummah within national sovereignties is the Islamic revolution in each individual country. Ikhwan confrontationists need to take the example from the past and realize the realities in order to achieve victory in the future. The past is the strong ties between the leaders of Ikhwan and Iran, the reality is in the fact that Iran is the only Islamic independent country in the region, and the most important thing in these temporary circumstances is that the factor of the Islamic revolution ideologists on the one hand and the thinkers of Islamic enlightenment played a key role in the collaboration which took place.

 It is Islamic thinking, following the tradition of ijtihad through an intellectual approach from the revolutionary scientists of Iran and the progressive thinkers of Egypt, led to the conclusion that the liberation of the Ummah can take place only through the path of unification between Muslims. The bright scientists of the past (Asadabadi, Maududi, Said Nursi, Muhammad Bakir Al-Sadr, and others) also discussed this idea. Islamic thinking develops the process of intellectual enlightenment according to which, the only way to establish the Islamic project is the path of revolution. This is necessary to understand by Ikhwan confrontationists and other Islamic forces of Egypt.

Over the past years, one can observe that the junta of Egypt tried to send positive signals about the "cooperation" with Iran. Thus, Iraq and the sphere of theology (Al-Azhar specifically) are used as communication channels. What is the junta for? Sisi and his entourage understand that the economic and social situation is deteriorating. Therefore, new unrest is not far off, which can be turned into a civil war instantly.

 In this scenario, those Ikhwans who are ready for an armed struggle against military dictatorship will try to be supported by the IRGC. Such a scenario bothers the generals of Cairo. Hence the attempts are to "flirt" with Tehran and prevent full-scale cooperation between the Islamic forces of Egypt and the IRGC.


News ID 144623


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