Aug 28, 2016, 6:26 PM


Invasion on Iran to receive stronger answer

Invasion on Iran to receive stronger answer

TEHRAN, Aug. 28 (MNA) – Leader of the Islamic Revolution has received commanders and staff of Khatam al-Anbia Air Defense Base.

On Sunday’s meeting, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei emphasized that the enemy, which he dubbed as ‘malicious, treacherous, and systematically opposing our independence,’ had been seeking to weaken Iran’s defensive capabilities, and accordingly, in response to this level of threat, “air defense should be in the frontline against this enemy.”

“The animosity this enemy displays toward our system is far from comparison with any of its enmities expressed to other countries around the world; imperialism, which here we define under the two names of ‘dominance system’ and ‘global Zionism,’ are irreconcilable to religious piety, the Islamic system [in Iran], and our self-reliance and defiance of any hegemonic powers and their bullying nature,” he reiterated. “They have been protean in essence, one day assuming the attire of the US regime and the other day, that of the Baathist ideology and its petty and despotic ruler Saddam Hussein; but the remedy to this protean enemy is to accurately assess our capabilities and decide wisely in using available resources, along with intelligence collected on enemies,” Ayatollah Khamenei asserted.

“Human will along with indigenous capability should provide a means to thwart the enemies’ plots and they should not let enemies even entertain any encroachments of our borders and sovereignty,” said the Leader, turning to media hype spiraled by the same protean enemies about Russia’s delivery of S300 missile system which was merely a defensive capability, however, the US spared no effort to undermine the delivery process; “or the propaganda about Fordow underground facilities, both revealed the very nature of an enemy which would not recognize the right to defend our people. They would only be satisfied when we are rendered defenseless and an easy prey to their invasion,” he emphasized.

“The Air Defense base should be armed with diverse technological innovations and technics; the enemy should understand that if it strikes, it will definitely be stricken by yet stronger blow, with active defense turning to active assault as well,” concluded the Leader.


News ID 119307


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