Jul 1, 2024, 1:30 PM

Israeli forces abducted over 9,500 Palestinians since Oct. 7

Israeli forces abducted over 9,500 Palestinians since Oct. 7

TEHRAN, Jul. 01 (MNA) – Israeli forces have abducted over 9,500 Palestinians in violent raids across the occupied West Bank since the regime’s onslaught on the Gaza Strip started on October 7, 2023.

The revelation was made in a joint statement by the Palestinian Prisoners Affairs Authority and the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society on Sunday.

The statement noted that the occupying regime’s forces have abducted more than 9,450 Palestinians in the West Bank, including the occupied city of al-Quds, during the said period.

The two Palestinian organizations said the figure includes those who were abducted from their homes and at military checkpoints, as well as those who surrendered under pressure and those who were taken by Israeli forces as hostages.

The statement added that at least 20 Palestinians, including siblings and former prisoners, have been abducted by Israeli forces during the past two days alone in various parts of the West Bank, including the cities of al-Khalil, also known as Hebron, Tulkarm, Nablus, and al-Quds.

These figures do not include thousands of Palestinian adults and children that the Israeli army has detained, tortured, and interrogated in makeshift prisons across Gaza, outside any legal or civilian oversight.

Meanwhile, conditions for Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails have worsened considerably with detainees experiencing limited access to essential rights, including food, water, electricity, medical care, family visits, and legal assistance.

Since Israel launched its genocidal war on Gaza, the regime’s brutal crackdown on the West Bank has also escalated, resulting in near-daily raids into villages and cities across the occupied territory.

Nearly 550 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank by Israeli forces or extremist settlers since the Gaza war began.

The regime’s genocide in Gaza has also killed more than 37,800 Palestinians, most of them women and children, while leaving nearly 87,000 others injured.


News ID 217108


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