Mar 18, 2024, 2:55 PM

FM Spox.:

Israel opposed by historical nation rather than Hamas

Israel opposed by historical nation rather than Hamas

TEHRAN, Mar. 18 (MNA) – Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kan'ani says the Zionist regime and its supporters should know that they are not standing against Hamas, but against a historical, oroginal, and deep-rooted nation called Palestine.

Referring to the admission of a former Zionist regime general Itzhak Brik, regarding the regime's loss in the war with Hamas, Kan'ani wrote on his X account that the Zionist regime and its supporters should know that they are not facing Hamas, but they are being opposed by a historical, original, and deep-rooted nation by the name of Palestine.   

He stated that the Zionist regime has no place in the eyes of the world's public opinion, adding that this fake regime killed 31000 people, including 22000 women and children during 5 months in Gaza.  "The more Palestinians the regime killed, the more the nation regained its place in the work," Kan'ani further said. 

In an article in the Maariv newspaper, retired Brigadier General Itzhak Brik wrote, " We lost the war with Hamas, we are losing our allies, the goal of destroying Hamas is out of our agenda and we can no longer return the hostages".

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson stated, "Undoubtedly, the future belongs to Palestine, and the eternal shame and disgrace would go to the Israeli regime."


News ID 213164


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