Mar 10, 2021, 9:19 AM

US sanctions two Iranians under human right violation pretext

US sanctions two Iranians under human right violation pretext

TEHRAN, Mar. 10 (MNA) – The United States has imposed sanctions on two Iranians under the pretext of “violations of human rights.”

In a statement on Tuesday, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced the sanctions against Ali Hemmatian and Masoud Safdari.

He claimed, “We will continue to consider all appropriate tools to impose costs on those responsible for human rights violations and abuses in Iran.”

"We will also work with our allies to promote accountability for such violations and abuses. The United States will continue to support the rights of people in Iran and demand the Iranian government treat its people with respect and dignity," claimed ehe US secretary.

Washington has for long been abusing the human rights mechanisms to interference in Iran’s internal affairs.

Iran has argued that its Judiciary is independent and committed to due process in accordance with the applicable laws as well as the country’s obligations under relevant international instruments.


News ID 170917


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