Mar 19, 2019, 4:07 PM

Joining FATF not to harm Iranian national interests: Zarif

Joining FATF not to harm Iranian national interests: Zarif

TEHRAN, Mar. 19 (MNA) – The Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif believes Iran’s accession to anti-money laundering global body the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) will not cause any damage to the national interests of the country.

Speaking to Iranian Labour News Agency (ILNA) on Tuesday, the top Iranian diplomat said that the US policy of reducing the Iranian oil exports to zero has failed and oil exports are standing well above the US waivers granted to buyers of Iran crude.

“The Americans themselves are gradually realizing that the world is much larger than the United States,” Zarif said.

On the fate of the FATF-related bills, namely the bills on Iran’s accession to Countering the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) and UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, which is better known as the Palermo Convention in Iran, said that joining the FATF, which requires endorsement by the Expediency Council, will benefit Iran’s national interests.

He added that refusing to join the FATF, on the contrary, will harm the national interests of the country and will cause problems for the financial and banking relations of Iran.

The foreign minister further pointed out that his trip to holy city of Qom to visit Shia senior clerics had nothing to do with the Expediency Council’s final verdict on the two remaining FATF-related bills.


News ID 143542


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