Javad Javidnia said Tuesday that the Iranian government had promised to control the content of this social network using smart filtering, however, no result is obtained despite incurring great financial costs. “Currently, we have the judiciary order for filtering this service and most members of the Supreme Council of Cyberspace also agree on filtering this social network.”
According to the directives of the Supreme Council of Cyberspace, the volume of internet traffic in the country allocated to Instagram shouldn’t have exceeded a certain figure but it has happened. Also, a certificate should have been issued by the government for the social network’s activity in the country, however, it hasn’t been carried out, he added, Khabaronline reported.
He went on to say that since these directives have not been implemented, the Judiciary Branch can now unilaterally filter the social media “but we are waiting for achieving a consensus over the issue. If waiting proves to have no benefit, Iran’s attorney-general will take the required decision.”
Secretary of Iran's Supreme Council of Cyberspace Abolhassan Firouzabadi said last week that Iran has developed a domestic alternative for Instagram.
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