Dec 30, 2015, 6:29 PM


Iran would respond to US sabotage on JCPOA

Iran would respond to US sabotage on JCPOA

QOM, Dec. 30 (MNA) – Parliament Speaker has said US Congress’ recent actions on trying to sabotage the JCPOA implementation will not remain without answers.

Ali Larijani who was speaking in an administrative meeting in Qom, told that the diplomatic machinery had been leading negotiations with ‘tact and sagacity;’ “in sum, we have had moved forward in nuclear issue; along with protecting nuclear achievements and technology, on other issues such as Research and Development and peaceful enriched materials, we have secured removal of sanctions, albeit with some sabotage by some members of the 5+1,” he told the meeting, illustrating his case with recent US Congress actions as an example, which Larijani believed, would not remain without a proportionate answer by Iran.

“The US officials should expect trouble in turn for their sabotage on the JCPOA; they should know that we are closely watching their actions. Up to now, Iran has not been on the losing side of the agreement; we now can sell our enriched material and have secured a closed PMD,” he indirectly addressed the US officials. “However, it is far from clear that we have safely finished this stage yet and or would be any nearer to solving economic and most pressing issues of the public.”

Larijani who represents Qom constituency in the Parliament, added that participation of the public in economy would definitely bring more dynamism into economy; “some sort of socialism rules the minds sometimes, but competition lies in the justice,” he added.




News ID 113242


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