Fico, later confirmed, that Slovakia will file a lawsuit against the European Union. Only Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Romania voted against the introduction of mandatory quotas.
Slovakia will be required to receive 802 refugees, of which 190 should come from Italy and 612 from Greece. The quota is calculated based on the size of the country’s population, its GDP, the number of asylum requests in the recent five years, and the unemployment rate.
In the second year of the scheme, other 54,000 refugees will be redistributed around the EU, either from a country that will be facing the greatest influx of refugees, or alternatively from Greece and Italy. Slovakia’s share would then be 656 refugees.
After both Fico and Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajcak, suggested Slovakia will defend itself using legal means, the prime minister confirmed that the Slovak government was filing a lawsuit against the EU at the European Court of Justice.
Most of the refugees are coming from countries at war and have sufficient reasons as to request asylum in the European Union, according to international law.
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