Apr 29, 2015, 10:03 AM

Iran standing by Syria: Dehghan

Iran standing by Syria: Dehghan

TEHRAN, Apr. 29 (MNA) – Iran Defense Minister reaffirmed that Iran will persistently stand by Syria to fight and uproot terrorism and extremism.

Brigadier General Hossein Dehghan held a meeting with his Syrian counterpart Fahd Jassem al-Freij on Tuesday in Tehran.

Dehghan, noting Iran-Syria friendly and brotherly relations and their historical and religious communality, described Tehran and Damascus relations as successful and perfect that could serve as a role model for all Islamic nations.

Calling Syrian crisis 'a proxy war,' the commander said “facing the resistance and unity of the regional countries, plotters and organizers of this scenario will not achieve their evil goals.”

He hailed Syrian nation for their struggle against terrorists from all over the world and expressed hope their resistance would wipe out Takfiri and terrorist groups in the country.

Emphasizing on peaceful negotiations as the only solution to Syrian crisis, Dehghan underlined the necessity of establishing powerful regional coalitions to fight terrorism and extremism and asserted that Iran will always support Syrian nation in this regard.

He assessed Iran-Syria defense relations as progressive and stressed its reinforcement.

Syrian Defense Minister, while delivering the warmest greetings of Syrian President Bashar Assad, expressed gratitude of his nation and government on Iran’s comprehensive support.

Noting that Iran and Syria enjoy strategic and developing relations, Freij said “unity and coherence between Iran, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon has disappointed the enemies and defeated their vice plans for the region.”

He deemed Iran the main axis of resistance and commended its supports for regional countries.

The official asserted Syirian crisis is directly managed by US, Israeli regime, and some regional countries, "who are fallaciously denying their relationships with terrorists."

“Syrian nation and armed forces, however, are fighting the enemies under the leadership of Bashar Assad and the supports of resistance front and will continue this to absolute annihilation of terrorists,” he said.

Freij expressed hope the visit would set the ground for further expansion of defensive ties between Tehran and Damascus.


News ID 106909

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