262 members of the parliament issued a statement at the end of an open session today condemning the US-supported cowardly attack on Yemenis by Saudi regime and backed the popular uprising in Yemen.
The MPs voiced their concern over Saudi’s recent brutal attacks against innocent people in Yemen saying that cowardly attack on Yemenis is a clear act of aggression against a sovereign nation and country.
“By its attack on Yemen and killing innocent Muslim people of its neighboring country, Saudi Arabia proved against its claims over backing Muslims,” MPs wrote, adding that the country has been serving the enemies of Islam instead of establishing unity and dignity among Muslims.
“Al Saud regime should know that its airstrikes on Yemen complicates the regional problems and fuels the region's fire and will impose a heavy burden on the Muslim world,” the statement reads.
The US, Israel and some of their allies’ support for Saudi invasion of Yemen is a blatant violation of the rights of a sovereign country and nation which is contrary to international regulations, they underlined in the statement.
Condemning the silence of the international community against such a blatant aggression, the MPs wrote, "once again, the event revealed the US and its allies’ mercenary policies."
“We, Iranian members of parliament, while strongly slamming the foreign intervention particularly Saudi’s military attack on Yemen, back Yemen’s popular uprising,” Members said, adding that Iran believes Yemen’s zealous nation will stand against the invaders with all its power and will turn Yemen into a graveyard for invaders.
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