Rabbi Weiss made the remarks in an interview with the Tehran Times on May 18.
He came to Iran to attend the International Conference on Global Alliance against Terrorism for a Just Peace, which was held in Tehran from May 14 to 15.
Rabbi Weiss is a member of Neturei Karta International, which is an organization of Jews opposed to Zionism.
During the interview, Rabbi Weiss discussed the views of religious orhtodox Jews on the establishment of the Zionist regime, which the Palestinians call the Nakba (the Catastrophe), and several other issues.
Following are excerpts of the remarks of Rabbi Weiss during the interview:
For Jews, the Nakba is a tragedy, it is a double tragedy.
Zionism has hijacked the identity of Judaism… (and) both oppressed the Palestinian people in the name of religion and created a state which is forbidden for the Jewish people, and it was opposed by all Jews, who did not want to create a Jewish state.
Judaism requires that we wait for the revelation of God, when all humanity will serve one God. Then all humanity will recognize God and live in peace.
All around the world, the very religious Jewish communities oppose Zionism and the Zionist state. We all pray for the speedy, peaceful, and total dismantlement of the Zionist state.
For hundreds of years, the Jewish people lived in peace with Muslim countries. Therefore, the Zionists’ portrayal -- as if this is a religious conflict -- is totally false. They only use religion as an excuse for legitimizing their criminal existence and accusing those who oppose them of being anti-Semitic.
In truth, Jews are required to show their gratitude for the gracious hospitality provided by the Muslim and Arab countries. Therefore, we as Jews are humiliated by what is being done in our name to our good friends the Palestinian people.
Zionism is a transformation from religion and subservience to God to materialism and nationalism, (which established) a purely flawed political entity that is totally illegitimate according to the Torah.
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