Dec 24, 2003, 2:41 PM

Majlis Women Faction Condemns French Ban on Headscarves by Women

TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (Mehr News Agency) – The Majlis’s women faction issued a statement on Wednesday condemning France’s ban on women wearing headscarves.

Their statement said that the ban is against human rights and freedoms and they called for its abolition by the French government.


“Regrettably, as the world wearies of tension and political and social upheavals we are witnessing another discrimination against women under the name of freedom,” the statement read.


While the French Revolution has inspired many social and political movements for equality, brotherhood and freedom across the world the French president has clearly violated the rights of French Muslim women by banning them from using headscarves, added the statement.


Undoubtedly, excessive secularism would pose the same threats to world peace and stability as religious fundamentalism does, the women faction argued.


“While we consider dialogue among civilizations and cultures, and a respect for people’s rights in choosing their religion, way of life and clothing as meeting the current needs of human being, the adoption of such policies may lead to social confrontations not only in Europe but also in the world,” it said.


The statement said women have always been the carriers of the most valuable characteristics of human civilizations throughout human existence and that is why that the rights of women in choosing their religion, beliefs and clothing should be recognized by all people.


IF abolishing all forms of discrimination against women is a basic tenet of all world governments then Muslim women’s rights, and their religious choices, should be respected.


Respect for cultures, beliefs, and people’s privacy would guarantee the social and political stability of human life and women should be able to choose their way of dressing according to their beliefs. No government has right to deprive them of this right.





News ID 3756

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