Aug 4, 2024, 10:04 AM


Al-Aqsa Storm harbinger of ending Israeli regime existence

Al-Aqsa Storm harbinger of ending Israeli regime existence

TEHRAN, Aug. 04 (MNA) – Iran’s Parliament Speaker Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf described Operation Al-Aqsa Storm as the harbinger of ending the Zionist regime's existence.

Speaking at an open session of Iran's Parliament on Sunday, Ghalibaf referred to the assassinations of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, noting that Iran's crushing response will force the Israeli regime and its supporters to reform their calculating system.

Ghalibaf emphasized that Operation Al-Aqsa Storm was a sign of the impending end of the Zionist regime's existence and pointed out that the Israeli regime’s terrorist actions stem from weakness and desperation.

He stated that the Islamic Republic of Iran will not allow aggression on its soil to go unanswered, and called for an appropriate response.

While commemorating the arrival of Human Rights Day, Ghalibaf described the US as the self-styled advocate of human rights, noting that the nations of the world must be united and stand against the Zionist regime by defending the rights of the innocent people of Palestine.


News ID 218937


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    • frank chua 10:34 - 2024/08/04
      0 0
      middle east axis powers muslims alliances should now now simultaneously fires 7,000 to 20,000 rockets drones missiles jet cruise-missiles speedboats attacks & bombardments to all israels cities towns bases vital facilities, to severely casualties damages weakens israel.. so the next wave be easy..
    • frank chua 10:40 - 2024/08/04
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      cowards muslims axis powers should at least fires simultaneously super hyper thousandsss of supersonic drones & cruise missiles and stealthe missiles and low flying jet bombers & rockets, all armed with high explosives thermobaric warheads white phosphorous cluster bombs etc.. to severely destroys
    • frank chua PH 10:40 - 2024/08/04
      0 0
      cowards muslims axis powers should at least fires simultaneously super hyper thousandsss of supersonic drones & cruise missiles and stealthe missiles and low flying jet bombers & rockets, all armed with high explosives thermobaric warheads white phosphorous cluster bombs etc.. to severely destroys
    • frank chua PH 10:43 - 2024/08/04
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      after the muslims alliance massive attacks bomardments of israel on many many fronts with 10,000 projectiles simultaneous attacks, severely weakens israel, then 2nd wave of Full attacks can obliterates israel, by hezbollah & syrian iraqi militias & west bank militants etc.. better if syria iraq
    • frank chua PH 10:45 - 2024/08/04
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      better if syria and iraq join the war against israel, just like the 1948 arab israel war..... west bank palestinians too and yemen houthis etc... to overwhelms israel and many many stealth attacks bombardments, and suicide bombers & attackers & sea attacks & some ground invasions....
    • frank chua 10:49 - 2024/08/04
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      now now, why not retaliates ultra massively and stealthily and lighting speed to surprise israel, all armed with special bombs warheads to inflicts super heavy casualties damages to israel , severely weakens him, so 2nd wave of hezbollah & militants in iraq syria west bank yemen etc..can obliterat
    • frank chua PH 11:51 - 2024/08/04
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      during the cold war, western powers supports israel and its military, while soviet union supports arabs in its fight against israel, cannot do that now...?.... russia now should continues to give or sell Very very advance weapons to syria iran etc.. both offensives & defensives....
    • frank chua 11:53 - 2024/08/04
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      after israel is finished with hezbollah, syria will surely be next to be invaded and regime changed by israel etc... that's why syria iran now now should really and quickly buys many s-400 air defenses and electronic warfares jammers and longrange anti submarines and himars like rockets systems
    • frank chua 11:58 - 2024/08/04
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      syria iran now should quickly buys many many supersonic attack drones & cruise missiles and submarines and stealth jet and spy satellites and cyberwars and thermobaric bombs warheads and fuel air explosives and white phosphorous and chemical weapons and stealth ballistic missiles, to destroys isra
    • frank chua PH 12:01 - 2024/08/04
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      israel now now is very busy with hamas hezbollah etc.. iran now should really and quickly build many many hypersonic missiles and bombs.... to destroys israel , if in case hezbollah syria fails to, and use it as deterrent against western powers..... or else, middle east will be wests..