Apr 9, 2024, 2:50 PM

Iran, Iraq presidents calls for strengthening bilateral ties

Iran, Iraq presidents calls for strengthening bilateral ties

TEHRAN, Apr. 09 (MNA) – Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi and his Iraqi counterpart Abdul Latif Rashid held a phone conversation on Tuesday, during which they called for strengthening Tehran-Baghdad bilateral relations.

Felicitating the Iraqi president on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr, Raeisi expressed hope that the level of relations between the two countries will improve, regardless of the interference of ill-wishers.

Referring to the brutal Israeli war on the Gaza Strip, Raeisi said that this is the religious and human responsibility of all Muslims and free people of the world to contribute to stopping the killing and genocide of the oppressed Palestinians.

Expressing disappointment with the inefficiency of the international bodies, especially the United Nations and the UN Security Council, over the Palestine issue, he emphasized the need for effective cooperation between the Islamic states to stop Israeli crimes.

Rashid, for his part, congratulated Raeisi on Eid al-Fitr, saying that Baghdad believes that the two countries should strengthen their friendly relations regardless of the conspiracy of ill-wishers.

Expressing regret over the continuation of the Zionist regime's crimes against the oppressed Palestinians of Gaza, the Iraqi president said that certain countries are not looking for a fundamental solution to this problem, but they are trying to make it more complicated.

It is necessary for Islamic countries to look for an action plan to solve the fundamental issue of Palestine, he said.


News ID 213704


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