Dec 4, 2023, 9:08 AM

Headlines of Iran's Persian dailies on December 4

Headlines of Iran's Persian dailies on December 4

TEHRAN, Dec. 04 (MNA) – Mehr news agency takes a look at the headlines of Iran's Persian-language dailies on Monday, December 4.

Arman-e Emrooz:

Omani FM IN Iran to convey US message

700 Palestinians killed in a day


Zionist regime detains 60 Palestinians

Akhbar-e San'at:

Iranian president says Tehran supports Gaza based on its constitution


Iran FM says Tehran's cooperation with IAEA to continue in technical, legal framework


French president says Hamas undestroyable

Jomhouri-e Eslami:

Over 700 Palestinians martyred in Gaza during 1 day

Asr-e Iranian:

Iran's top general urges full disarmament of counter-revolutionary groups in Iraq


Iran FM warns Borrel over expansion of Gaza war in region

Iran FM spox.:  US government complicit in Israeli crimes in Gaza

60 Zionist military forces killed in Resistance operation


News ID 209139


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