Feb 9, 2013, 2:04 PM

In Zuckerberg’s name, in CIA’s service: Facebook

In Zuckerberg’s name, in CIA’s service: Facebook

TEHRAN, Feb. 9 (MNA) – A look at Facebook’s recent records reveal that CIA has access to the personal information of users of this social network.

With more than 1b users, Facebook can be called the third most populated country in the world! Active now for 8 years and launched by Mark Zuckerberg, the network has faced criticism and complaints from different organizations and social institutes in the world.

Analysts believe Facebook abuses its users’ personal information, and some
identify it as an intelligence tool of US intelligence, CIA.

Wikileaks founder blasts Facebook

One of the staunch critics of Facebook, is Julian Assange, WikiLeaks founder. He believes that when Facebook users add their addresses, job, friends, and family members’ names to their profiles, in fact they work for CIA for free, ,making  for CIA a database of their personal information.

Civil Institutions

The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), along with American Civil Liberties Union, Digital Democracy Center, and several other institutions decided to send a complaint letter to Federal Trade Commission, alleging Facebook. These institutions believe Facebook is an unfair, deceptive trade, which gives others access to users’ personal information.

US trains digital diplomats

Alec Russ, US diplomat has said in a conference that social networks has affected countries relations, and has revealed that Washington has been training digital diplomats to achieve its diplomatic objectives.

Facebook reads users’ SMS

A group of IT security experts has accused Facebook of spying on users’ mobile messages. Facebook has an applet for mobile which enables users to send and receive messages in Facebook.

These experts believe that the applet gives the Facebook access to users’ SMS contents. In response to these allegations, Facebook stated that it had scanned some users’ messages only for testing its SMS services.

Facebook abuses ‘gift dispatch’ service

Computer World Magazine has criticized Facebook’s new service, gift-sending service, which enables users to send gifts. Facebook wants users to enter home address, date of birth, feet size, dress size, etc., thus getting access to private information.

Facebook tracks every click

A Facebook employee has revealed to Rumpus.net that Facebook tracks every click users made during visit their Facebook account.

This is to say that in addition to information such as personal interests, religion, sexual preferences, and the number of family members, Facebook knows on what links in friends page you click, whose timeline you see, or what photos you see.

Facebook, ‘anti-social,’ and ‘corrupt’

British Independent daily has criticized Facebook and called it a ‘hypocritical and corrupt’ company.

Facebook uses secret service tactics

Darrin McBreen, Infowars website reporter,  says his experiences show that Facebook not only active in trading and supervising data collection, it sometimes informs the users that they are being investigated,  a tactic used by secret services of dictatorships.


News ID 54001

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