Jan 7, 2013, 6:52 PM

Iran develops carbon military uniforms

Iran develops carbon military uniforms

TEHRAN, Jan. 7 (MNA) – The Dean of Advanced Textile Materials and Technology Research Institute (ATMT) says that the institute has developed carbon fibers with application in fuel cells manufacture.

Ali Akbar Merati told Mehr News that researchers in the institute have acquired the technology for developing carbon fiber for military uniform.

“Researchers in the institute developed fibers with especial applications through determining the properties of synthetic fabrics with different cross-sections,” he said.  

The Dean of Advanced Textile Materials and Technology Research Institute in Amir Kabir University of Technology also said that these carbon fibers have applications in weaving military uniforms. “The technological knowledge has been acquired in the institute,” he said.

“We have signed a contract with Iranian Deputy Presidentin scientific and technologyaffairs to develop carbon fibers,” he added.

He also said that the institute would develop certain grid of carbon fibers, and that first phase of the research had been ended. “These fibers have applications in military and industry, and also in manufacturing fuel cells,” he added.


News ID 53540

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