Feb 4, 2024, 8:41 PM

Qassam spox says 15 Israeli soldiers killed at close range

Qassam spox says 15 Israeli soldiers killed at close range

TEHRAN, Feb. 04 (MNA) – The spokesman of the Qassam Brigades, the Hamas military wing, said Sunday that their forces killed 15 Israeli soldiers in Gaza at point-blank range, while 43 Israeli vehicles were destroyed .

Al-Quds Brigades says resistance fighters engaged in clashes with Israeli occupation forces, killing 15 soldiers at point-blank range.

"Over the past few days, al-Qassam forces were able to completely or partially destroy 43 Israeli military vehicles;" Abu Obeida, the spokesman of Qassam Brigades said in a statement on Sunday.

"Our forces confirmed that they killed 15 Zionist soldiers at point-blank range, and an Israeli officer and a soldier were also killed by al-Qassam snipers," he added.

The Qassam spokesman further said that, "Our forces killed and wounded dozens of members of the Israeli army in 17 different military operations, missions during which al-Qassam forces targeted the Zionist aggressors with rockets, mortars, anti-armored equipment, and other weapons."

"Al-Qassam forces also ambushed a group of enemy soldiers by blowing up the entrance of a tunnel; Our Mujahideen seized 4 Israeli drones and attacked their military bases with mortars on all fronts of the battle; They also fired a heavy barrage of rockets towards Tel Aviv and its surroundings," Abu Obaida concluded.


News ID 211678


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    • JEFF US 06:48 - 2024/02/05
      0 0
      Such a good news.