Jan 24, 2024, 11:30 AM

Headlines of Iran's Persian dailies on January 24

Headlines of Iran's Persian dailies on January 24

TEHRAN, Jan. 24 (MNA) – Mehr news agency takes a look at the headlines of Iran's Persian-language dailies on Wednesday, January 24.


Iran asks Russia to play role in stopping war in Gaza

Israel kills 3 Zionist prisoners by injecting poison gas into tunnel 


Leader: Victory of Gaza people definite

Govt. Spox.: Sanction-lifting negotiations ongoing


Leader urges Islamic states to cut ties with Zionist regime

Jomhouri-e Eslami:

Leader reiterates call on Islamic countries to cut relations with Israel

Yemen Army: US, UK aggressions not to go unanswered


Iran's Army receives strategic drones 


Leader says Gazans will definitely emerge victorious

2 US, UK ships destroyed in Gulf of Aden


News ID 211244


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