TEHRAN, Mar. 30 (MNA) – Iranian top diplomat Hossein Amir-Abdollahian met and held talks with his Turkmen counterpart Raşit Meredow on the sidelines of the Afghanistan meeting in China.

In the meeting, the Iranian foreign minister felicitated Nowruz (Persian new year which is also celebrated in Iran's neighboring countries), saying that Naturally, Nowruz is one of the historical and civilizational roots of the two countries.

He also congratulated the Turkmen counterpart and the nice people of Turkmenistan on the holding of early presidential elections in the Central Asian country and noted: "Mr. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow made a wise decision and his experience in the region is commendable."

The Turkmen Foreign Minister, for his part, appreciated his Iranian counterpart for the congrats.

Amir-Abdollahian on Wednesday also held a meeting with the foreign ministers of Pakistan and Qatar.

His meetings with different officials of the countries participating in the Afghanistan meeting still continue.
