Jun 7, 2015, 10:50 AM

FAO 39th Conf.

FAO hails Iran on reaching MDG 1

FAO hails Iran on reaching MDG 1

ROME, Jun. 07 (MNA) – At FAO’s 39th Conference that kicked off in Rome on Saturday, Iran was among the 72 countries awarded for reaching the Millennium Development Goal 1(MDG) on reducing hunger.

FAO’s recent report titled 'The State of Food Insecurity in the World (SOFI) 2015' shows about 795 million people - just over one in nine-  are undernourished globally, down 167 million over the last decade, and 216 million less than in 1990–92.

A total of 72 developing countries out of 129, including the Islamic Republic of Iran, have reached the Millennium Development Goal 1 (MDG) hunger target. 29 countries including Angola, Brazil, and China have reached the World Food Summit (WFS) goal and MDG 1 target.

In December 2014, FAO awarded Iran for reaching the MDG 1 in reducing the number of undernourished in the country.

Serge Nakouzi, FAO Representative to the Islamic Republic of Iran, said Iran’s outstanding achievement in reaching the MDG 1 indicates the efficiency of policies and measures the country has implemented for the past 20 years.

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 39th Conference opened on Saturday in Rome, with representatives from 194 countries including Iran gathered to discuss the Organization's future work plan, set a new two-year budget, and elect the next FAO Director-General. 

Incumbent FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva was re-elected to a second term in the Organization's top post with a total of 177 out of 182 votes cast. 


News ID 107736


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