Publish Date: 25 April 2020 - 21:47

TEHRAN, Apr. 25 (MNA) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that outbreak of the novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, has changed the lifestyle of people in the country.

He made the remarks on Sat. in a meeting with private sector business executives, and added, “with the closer relations among banks, the private sector and the stock market, we can create a great development in the economy.”

Further development of relations and cooperation between public and private sectors in the country is very essential. "Social Distancing Scheme” is only for dealing with coronavirus, and the relations and cooperation between public and private sectors must become closer and smarter.

At the condition that coronavirus, COVID-19, has entangled many countries in the world, all governments are seeking the way of administering country and also preserve health of people, he added.

Parts of President Hassan Rouhani's speech is as follows:

The holy month of Ramadan, the month in which we are all invited to the feast of God, as soon as we believe that we are all guests of God in this month, this is the highest hope, joy and spirit for all of us.

Problems come and go in life; this year we have almost such conditions and we have been under pressure from several sides; a country that is facing coronavirus with its effects on the society in the entire world.

No scientist, economist, or medical scientist had predicted this in the past decades, when we suddenly encounter a tiny, hidden creature called coronavirus, which changes everything in life.

Many complaints are due to the fact that coronavirus has disrupted the lifestyle and created a gap among people, whether in an entertainment or art center or in economic activities.

Of course, we have less problems on the one side and more problems on the other, because we are under sanctions and cannot take loans and trade with the world easily.

The whole world is dealing with coronavirus now, and we are struggling with both the sanctions and coronavirus. Of course, with the current situation of oil prices and economic issues that we are witnessing now, all countries in the region, those that exported oil, have faced a lot of problems.

Of course, we have now suffered losses a little less than others with price of oil reduced, and we are facing many problems now.

The situation on the world stage is a great and historic test for governments on how to run the economy and ensure the health of their people.

You can easily compare. It's not too hard for you; the figures here have contact with many traders and people in other countries; they see what the hardships are; there is a huge difference between a country that charges its COVID-19 patients a thousand dollars a night and in another country 4,000 dollars, with a country where a person is treated for free.

There is a heavy burden on the government's shoulders. The implementation of the Healthcare Reform Plan in the past years has played an important role in managing and combatting coronavirus in the country today.

On the other hand, we can provide special ICU beds and medical equipment. That means COVID-19 patients do not wait for a hospital bed, and it is a great honor for the country.

It is a great thing that we have been able to produce ventilation systems and ventilators now, produce and supply the N95 masks and cleaning products we need; this has been done by knowledge companies and the private sector.

Everybody cooperated. In my opinion, our country has been a successful country in this regard; our people were successful people; that is, we all came to the stage. The government, the private sector, the non-governmental public sector, the armed forces, knowledge-based companies and, most importantly, our medical staff as much as they did; the medical staff made great sacrifices; It wasn't like that at first.

On the first day, some of these nurses and doctors, because they were not 100% ready, entered the scene in danger and took risks, sacrificing their health and lives.