Jun 27, 2023, 1:15 PM

Battle for key police base kills at least 14 Sudan civilians

Battle for key police base kills at least 14 Sudan civilians

TEHRAN, Jun. 27 (MNA) – Sudan's army on Monday faced a multi-front challenge after losing Khartoum's main police base to paramilitaries in a battle that killed at least 14 civilians, while rebels attacked troops near Ethiopia.

The paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF), fighting Sudan's regular army since mid-April, has announced a "victory in the battle for the police HQ" of the Central Reserve Police, AFP reported.

"The headquarters is under our complete control... and we have seized a large number of vehicles, arms, and munitions," the RSF said in a statement.

The army denied in a statement that the RSF had won a "military victory", and denounced "a flagrant attack against state institutions that protect civilians."

Troops were also battling hundreds of kilometers (miles) south in Kurmuk, near the border with Ethiopia, where residents said a rebel group attacked army positions.

"14 civilians including two children were killed" in the same general area, according to a network of activists who try to evacuate the wounded.

The activists said 217 others were wounded, many critically, by "stray bullets, air raids or shelling" in residential neighborhoods of Khartoum's south.

Nearly 2,800 people have been killed across Sudan since a power struggle between army chief Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and his former deputy Daglo erupted into war more than two months ago, according to the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project.


News ID 202516


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