TEHRAN, Oct. 05 (MNA) – Protecting the borders of the Islamic Republic has always symbolized national security and Iran’s police have been playing a key role to this end.

On May 5, 2005, the Leader of the Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei considered border security one of the aspects of national security.

Referring to the valiant and wholehearted defense that was put up by the Iranian nation and armed forces in the face of the military aggression waged by the Iraqi regime and its regional and international supporters against the Islamic Republic, he stated, "Following some eight years of the imposed war, the Iranian people and armed forces won an honorable victory, thanks to Islam and the revolution, and provided sustainable security for our country's borders. It was the Iranian nation's first victory over foreign aggressors in the past 200 years."

Also, on Jun 18, 2017, the Leader of the Revolution praised the efforts of Holy Shrine Defenders and Border Guards who have been a pillar of security for the Islamic nation.

He stated, "If the defenders of the Holy Shrine were not there, the enemy would have brought the battle to our streets by now. Part of the great security we have today is thanks to Border Guards; these brave Border Guards and Martyrs are not given the attention they deserve."

On Jul 19, 2022, Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi made the remarks in a joint press conference with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Tehran, noting that terrorism may have different kinds, but fighting terrorism under any name is necessary to guarantee the security of borders and states.

Earlier, President Raeisi had said that Iran's borders with its neighbors should be borders of economy, interaction, and exchange to lead to the development of border areas, enhance security, and improve the livelihood and welfare of border residents.

On September 24, 2017, Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of an ongoing military exercise in the northwestern border regions, Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Hossein Salami said border security is a top priority for IRGC forces.

To ensure full security along the borders, the IRGC both demonstrates its defensive readiness and chases the enemies in practice, Major General Salami added.

On August 13, 2021, Major General Salami underlined that the Iranian Armed Forces are fully monitoring, controlling, and restoring security along the border area.

On July 3, 2022, Chief of Staff of Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Bagheri paid an inspection visit to the armed forces in the western province of Kordestan during which he described security at western borders as excellent.

"The security situation in Kordestan and its borders is incredibly favorable and we have no problem, there are sometimes sporadic acts of mischiefs that the border guards, be they the Revolutionary Guards or the Army are all operating from the ground and air, and sustainable security prevails in the region."

Iran & Pakistan

On June 29, 2022, President Raeisi made the remarks in a meeting with the Head of the Pakistan Armed Joint Chief of Staff Brigadier General Nadim Reza, thanking the Pakistani government and army’s cooperation in improving the security conditions of the two countries' shared borders.

"The amicable relations between the two countries' armed forces have led to the provision of appropriate security conditions along the two countries' shared borders," the Iranian president said.

Iran & Qatar

On March 2, 2022, the 16th meeting of the Coast Guard and Border Security Managers between Qatar and the Islamic Republic of Iran was held to review some of the issues related to the security of the two countries.

The periodic meeting was held in line with the agreement signed between the two countries on coordination on vessel security issues and other issues related to coastal and border security.

Iran & Azerbaijan

On December 13, 2018, Chiefs of the Iranian and Azeri border police on Tuesday signed a cooperation agreement to boost security at common borders.

Brigadier General Qassem Rezaei from Iran and Colonel General Elchin Isa Oglu Guliyev from Azerbaijan signed the agreement. According to the pact, the two sides will boost the exchange of intelligence and cooperation in fighting drug trafficking along the borders.

The agreement was signed on the sidelines of a meeting of border guard commanders of Iran and Azerbaijan in Baku.

Iran & Afghanistan

Given the long border between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Afghanistan, which is nearly 1,000-kilometer long, securing the border has always been one of the main topics of talks between the two countries officials.

On August 1, 2022, Iran's president’s special representative on Afghanistan in a message said that the two countries have formed a joint committee aiming to prevent border conflicts.

On August 14, 2022, the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran tweeted that the Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Consular, Parliamentary, and Iranian expatriates Affairs Alireza Bigdeli has traveled to Afghanistan to negotiate with Afghan officials regarding consular cooperation, legalization of illegal trips of Afghan nationals to Iran and security of common borders.

Reported by Amin Mohammadzadegan Khoyi