TEHRAN, Jan. 19 (MNA) – The Syrian president's adviser described Syrian-Iranian relations as long-standing and historic, saying that Tehran stood with the Syrian government and army during the war against Syria.

Luna al-Shibl made the remarks in an interview with Russia Today Arabic Language on Tuesday.

The Syrian government has succeeded in meeting the basic needs of the citizens, the Syrian official said, adding "The Syrian government is at war and it is natural for it to ask its allies for help."

al-Shibl described Syrian-Iranian relations as long-standing and historic, saying that Tehran stood by the government and army during the war against the country.

"Syria will decide who can be on its territory and who cannot," she said, adding that Syria would respond to Iran's loyalty.

The Syrian official condemned the Israeli attacks on Syrian territory as in support of terrorists, saying, "Whenever the terrorists are declining, Israeli aggression increases."
