TEHRAN, Aug. 08 (MNA) – Following in the footsteps of Israel, US, UK, the European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrel, too, has blamed Tehran for an alleged 29 July attack on a merchant vessel off the coast of Oman.

Tehran has strongly rejected the allegations of involvement in an alleged attack on a merchant vessel by the name of Mercer Street off the coast of Oman 29 July as totally baseless and fabricated with the aim of putting pressure on Tehran to give in to the other parties' excessive demands in the Vienna talks on reviving the JCPOA as the new administration came to power in Tehran.

In continuation of rising rhetoric against Tehran, the European Union on Sunday issued a statement to condemn in the strongest terms the alleged unlawful attack committed on the merchant vessel Mercer Street, off Masirah Island in Oman, on 29 July.

"There is no justification for this attack which killed a Romanian as well as a British citizen," the EU statement said, adding "We offer our condolences to their families and friends and express our full solidarity with the affected member state."

Josep Borrell's statement further reads, "Such reckless and unilateral actions, against international law and threatening to international peace, are unacceptable and need to stop. Freedom of navigation must be guaranteed in accordance with international law."

"All available evidence clearly points to Iran," EU foreign policy chief went on to claim.

"We call on all relevant parties in the region to play a constructive role in fostering regional stability and peace. In this context, the EU will continue the intense diplomatic efforts to advance appropriate and effective dialogue and solutions," the statement further read.
