TEHRAN, May 03 (MNA) – The Palestinian Resistance movement Hamas has warned the Israel regime against evicting Palestinians in East Quds, as the Tel Aviv regime continues with its home demolition.

In a statement on Sunday, Fawzi Barhoum, a Hamas spokesman, held the Israeli regime responsible for harming the inhabitants of Sheikh Jarrah district of holy Quds, where Palestinian homes and structures are being demolished for the construction of a new settlement outpost in the area, According to Tehran-based English-language Press TV.

The remarks came after a court ruled that at least six Palestinian families must vacate their homes in the area by Thursday, despite having lived there for generations.

The same court also ruled that seven other Palestinian families face eviction from their homes by August 1. That is a total of 58 people including 17 children.

Barhoum argued that normalization deals between Israel and several Arab states have encouraged the Tel Aviv regime to expand its occupation of Palestinian territories and escalate construction of housing units, mainly in East Quds and surrounding neighborhoods.

He added that a national resistance strategy should be adopted in order to confront Israeli aggression.