TEHRAN, Apr. 10 (MNA) – Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Bahram Ghasemi vehemently condemned Saudi Arabia and Bahrain’s support for US designation of IRGC as a terrorist organization.

‘Awkward and unwise’ stances of Saudi and Bahraini officials proves that they have a limited understanding about realities and developments of the region and don’t know the consequences of US ‘strategic mistake’ for the regional stability and security, Ghasemi said on Wednesday.

“Some regional countries are accustomed to blindly follow their trans-regional master; these countries are the main promoter of terrorist thoughts in the region and in the world and have spared no effort to support terrorist groups in recent decades,” he noted.

Using such worthless stances against Iran, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain cannot distract the public opinion from their responsibility in the promotion of terrorism, Ghasemi added.

Trump administration announced Monday that it is designating Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps as a foreign terrorist organization. In response to this unprecedented measure against the military force of another country, the Iranian Supreme National Security Council accused the US government of supporting terrorism and recognized the US Central Command (CENTCOM) as a terrorist organization.

Saudi Arabia and Bahrain have voiced support for the US decision.
