US not to participate in any NATO military exercises: Report
TEHRAN, Mar. 09 (MNA) – The US has reportedly informed NATO of its decision not to participate in military exercises in Europe beyond those already scheduled for 2025, raising questions about the future of Washington in the continent.
Russia to send back its ambassador to Washington
TEHRAN, Mar. 01 (MNA) – Russia has announced it will appoint a new ambassador to Washington, signalling a further diplomatic thaw in relations just a day after Russian and American officials met in Istanbul to discuss strengthening ties.
First contacts with US administration raise hopes: Putin
TEHRAN, Feb. 27 (MNA) – The renewed contacts with the US administration raise hope, and there is a mutual desire to establish cooperation, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.
Russia strongly slams Trump's missile defense shield plan
TEHRAN, Jan. 31 (MNA) – Russia on Friday condemned an executive order by US President Donald Trump to build a new missile defense shield, blaming the United States for trying to pave the wave for military confrontation in space.
Sergey Ryabkov:
Current atmosphere discourages Russia-US strategic arms talks
TEHRAN, Jan. 23 (MNA) – Currently, the situation is not conducive for setting a new date for a session of the Russia-US consultative commission on the Strategic Offensive Arms Reduction and Limitation Treaty (New START), Sergey Ryabkov said Monday.