TEHRAN, Sep. 30 (MNA) – The general head of the Trade Promotion Organization of Iran (TPOI) said that launching Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Iran and Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) will ease the business and trade activities to a great extent.

Iranian Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade Mohammad Atabak along with General Manager of the Trade Promotion Organization of Iran (TPOI) Mohammad Ali Dehghan Dehnavi traveled to Armenian capital of Yerevan to take part in Iran-EAEU Business Forum.

During the meeting, economic activists and entrepreneurs emphasized the development of all-out ties with the Republic of Armenia in the fields of trade and economy and called on the responsible officials to remove the trade barriers facing the economic activities of the two countries.

Dehghan Dehnavi, who is the deputy minister of industry, mine and trade, stressed the need to launch the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Iran and the EAEU member states in order to spur trade and economic activities, adding that signing Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) and Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Iran and member states of the union will facilitate the trade and economic activities to a great extent.

The threefold growth of trade between Tehran and Yerevan, attaining to the export target of over $700 million to Armenia in recent year and targeting for $3 billion worth of annual trade between the two countries herald booming the country’s economic relations with its northern neighbor in the coming years, he added.
