Publish Date: 29 July 2023 - 11:22

TEHRAN, Jul. 29 (MNA) – The Secretary General of Lebanon's Hezbollah resistance movement warned the Zionists against any folly, stressing that Hezbollah won’t abandon its responsibilities to defend Lebanon and is ready for any option.

Speaking to the mourners on Ashura [the 10th day of the lunar month of 'Muharram], Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah offered condolences over the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein (AS) and saluted them for taking part in the Ashura commemoration despite hard conditions.

"Your participation is a clear message of allegiance to the path of Prophet Mohammad, his grandson Imam Hussein and Imam Mahdi (AS)," the Hezbollah chief said. 

Referring to the recent Qur'an desecration in some European countries, Nasrallah said, "Sweden and Denmark have to know that our nation doesn’t tolerate desecration of our holy Qur'an and sanctities. The insistence to desecrate Qu'ran in Denmark is an aggression against Islam."

"We are waiting for a firm stance by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) over the desecration of the Qur'an, otherwise, the body will be unqualified to defend our religion," he underlined. "Muslim youths are fully ready to act responsibly and defend Islam and their holy book."

He also pointed to the intrusion into the sacred al-Aqsa Mosque compound in the Old City of al-Quds by far-right Israeli Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and settlers, saying, "Israeli enemy must know that the desecration of Al-Aqsa has several repercussions."

Nasrallah reiterated Hezbollah’s unwavering support to Palestine and the Palestinian people, stressing, "Our battle is one."

Speaking about the Yemen war and Syria situation, the Hezbollah leader noted that an "unofficial truce in Yemen is not enough" and called to lift the blockade. "Syria is under oppressive sanctions, free people have to exert efforts to end this blockade."

"Israeli enemy impudently talks about “Hezbollah provocations” while the truth is that the Zionist entity is going ahead with its hostilities," Nasrallah said. 

 The Hezbollah chief also warned the Zionists against any folly. "Hezbollah won’t abandon its responsibilities to defend Lebanon and is ready for any option."
