TEHRAN, Mar. 13 (MNA) – The Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei stressed the need for the sanctioned countries to join hands to take the means of sanctions out of the hands of the sanctioning western states.

The President of Belarus  Alexander Lukashenko and his accompanying entourage met with the Leader of the Islamic Revolution on Monday afternoon.

In the meeting, the Leader considered the cooperation potential of the two countries far beyond the current level and emphasized, “The level of relations should be increased significantly by using the spirit and will that exist on both sides to implement the agreements."

Referring to the many commonalities between Iran and Belarus, Ayatollah Khamenei said that one of these similarities is the fact that both nations are under the bullying sanctions imposed by the United States and some Western countries. “The countries that have been sanctioned by the United States should work together and form a joint group to eliminate the sanctions means. And we believe it can be done.”

Referring to the American sanctions against Iran since the beginning of the victory of the revolution as well as the imposition of the most severe sanctions in the past twelve years, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution noted, “The sanctions made Iran aware of its capabilities and internal forces, and in the meantime, the sanctions laid the ground for a lot of progress for Iran. Our country was able to achieve remarkable progress in various fields, including science and technology, medical and biological, air-space, nuclear and nanotechnology."

 “Our country was able to achieve amazing progress in various fields including science and technology, medicine and biology, air-space, nuclear and nano, he added. 
“If the countries that have been sanctioned by the United States make full use of each other's potentials, it will be of great benefit to all parties”, Ayatollah Khamenei emphasized.

“Agreements and words should not be concluded in the meetings, but should be implemented with special follow-up and specific timing”, noted the Leader of the Islamic revolution. 

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution also considered the world today to be in need of spirituality and said, "Spirituality can be a driving force for nations."

The Belarusian President, for his part, expressed great satisfaction with the meeting with the Leader of the Islamic revolution adding that, "I have come to Iran to assure that I am determined to open a new chapter in the relations between the two countries.”

“With the cooperation and will of the Iranian President, all agreements will be implemented with special follow-up and timing," Lukashenko further pointed out.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran has achieved amazing experiences and progress during the period of sanctions, and we believe that if the conditions of the sanctions are used correctly, it can be an opportunity for progress," the Belarusian president emphasized. “The purpose of my travel to Iran was to get acquainted with the achievements made by Iran”, Lukashenko stressed.

Lukashenko concluded by saying that "the current difficult international situation has revealed true and false friends to us, and we are determined to engage in special cooperation with the true friends."

The Iranian president, Ebrahim Raeisi also participated in the meeting.
