TEHRAN, Oct. 21 (MNA) – The early morning attack of the Zionist forces on Jenin left one Palestinian martyred, wounding three others.

Palestinian media reported on Friday that a 19-year-old Palestinian youth was martyred in a shooting by Zionist forces.

This is the second Palestinian youth who was martyred by the Zionist forces in the last 24 hours.

Local sources announced that the Zionist forces attacked the center of Jenin city and tried to deploy their snipers on the roofs of the houses in the area, which led to the flare-up of clashes with Palestinian youths.

Earlier on Thursday, Palestinian media reported that a Palestinian youth, who the Zionists claim to be the operator of the Shu'afat operation, was shot dead by the Israeli regime's troops in eastern al-Quds.

The Zionists claim that the Palestinian martyr shot an Israeli regime soldier before being shot.

According to the Zionist army, another Palestinian was with him in the shooting operation who managed to escape. A Zionist was injured during the shooting, according to what Zionists claim.
