TEHRAN, Nov. 10 (MNA) – The Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has reacted to a recent failed attempt by the US naval forces to steal an Iranian oil tanker in the Sea of Oman.

According to Sputnik news agency, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said regarding Iran's decisive action to prevent the US naval forces to steal an Iranian oil tanker in the Sea of Oman last week and blamed "irresponsible US policies" for escalating tensions in the Persian Gulf region and called for an investigation into the recent incident in the Sea of Oman.

The spokeswoman said that the tensions in the Persian Gulf are the result of Washington's irresponsible policies, which have many times escalated the tensions around Iran and in the entire region.

The IRGC naval forces thwarted the US navy warships in the Sea of Oman to steal an Iranian oil tanker last week. The IRGC announced on Tuesday night that the seized Sothys oil tanker which was owned by Vietnam but was carrying Iranian oil was freed in the southern waters of the country in the Persian Gulf after unloading its cargo.
