Publish Date: 18 October 2021 - 13:58

TEHRAN, Oct. 18 (MNA) – Spokesman for the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration (IRICA) announced the resumption of economic relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia under Raeisi's administration.

Seyyed Rouhollah Latifi Spokesman for the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration (IRICA) said on Monday Iran exported a shipment worth $39,000 to Saudi Arabia, marking the resumption of bilateral economic relations under the new administration in Iran after a year and a half that their bilateral trade were severed.

"After one year and a half of severed relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, exports to Saudi Arabia coincided with the two countries' talks, which is good news," Latifi added.

Of total $39,000 worth of Iran’s export of products to Saudi Arabia, $6,000 of which is related to the export of tile while $33,000 is related to the export of spherical glasses applicable in the traffic lights.

Resumption of Iran’s export of products to Saudi Arabia in the current administration of President Raeisi is a sign of a breakthrough in political, economic and cultural relations between the two countries, he added.
