TEHRAN, Jul. 02 (MNA) – The Spokesman for National Task Force for Fighting Coronavirus said Fri. that as soon as this September, the health officials in Iran will have access to 10 million Covid-19 vaccines per month.

Alireza Raeisi, Spokesman for National Task Force for Fighting Coronavirus, said on Friday that "We will receive about one million doses of Sputnik V vaccine, one million doses of [locally produced]Pasteur vaccines and seven million doses of Cov Iran Barakat vaccines."

The spokesman added that "We will also receive at least two million doses of vaccine from abroad per month."

He added that after the vaccination of the elderly people is completed, the vaccination of people with high-risk jobs will begin, which includes teachers, university professors, taxi drivers, pilots, prisoners and soldiers in barracks, etc.

Nearly 5 million people in Iran have received the first doses of Covid-19 vaccines so far, according to latest figures released by the health ministry yesterday.

Meanwhile, the second locally-manufactured vaccine obtained the necessary permit to join the national vaccination campaign against the Covid-19 pandemic in Iran on Tuesday after COV-Iran Barakat which was given the permit on June 14.

Iran also unveiled its locally manufactured Russian Sputnik V vaccine on Saturday during a ceremony attended by Iran's health officials.

KI/ Mehr telegram channel