Health Ministry Spokesperson Sima Lari said on Saturday that 12,931 new cases have been confirmed in the past 24 hours, putting the country’s total infections at 841,308.
Of the newly detected cases, 2,155 patients have been hospitalized, she added, saying that 5,778 patients are in critical condition.
The respiratory illness killed 431 people in the country in the course of the past 24 hours, increasing the total deaths to 44,327, Lari said.
A total of 596,136 people have recovered from the disease, she said, noting that over 5.74 million tests have been carried out to detect the disease across the country.
According to the latest figures on Saturday, 58,007,603 people have so far been infected with the novel coronavirus globally, with the deaths at 1,379,546 and recoveries amounting to 40,195,366.