TEHRAN, Jul. 19 (MNA) – Islamic Republic of Iran sent medical aid, as weigh as 1 ton, to neighboring Iraq concurrent with the visit of Iranian Foreign Minister’s visit to Iraq.

Iranian Ambassador to Iraq Iraj Masjedi made the remarks on Sun. in an interview with IRNA and added, “Iran forwarded medical and healthcare aids to Iraq with the aim of combating the novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19.”

It is agreed that the medical aid will be submitted to the representative of Iraqi Ministry of Health, Masjedi added.

Elsewhere in his remarks, he pointed to the outbreak of coronavirus global pandemic and added, “it is hoped that coronavirus will be eradicated from human community as soon as possible especially from the two neighboring countries of Iran and Iraq.”

There is a good healthcare and treatment cooperation between the two countries in the current situation, he said, adding, “we hope that cooperation between Iran and Iraq in healthcare and medical treatment affairs would be continued.”

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif left Tehran for Iraq on Sunday at the head of a high-ranking political delegation for bilateral talks.
