Publish Date: 16 July 2020 - 22:30

TEHRAN, Jul. 16 (MNA) – Iran's foreign ministry spokesperson announced Iran's readiness for mediating between Armenia and Azerbaijan for resolving the conflict over Karabakh.

In a press conference in Ardabil province on Thursday, Abbas Mousavi said that Iran called for a peaceful solution to the dispute in the Karabakh region immediately after an escalation of conflicts between Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan in recent days.

The Islamic Republic is ready to mediate between Armenia and Azerbaijan for resolving the conflict over Karabakh, he noted.

The Islamic Republic's position on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and the Islamic world is clear, Mousavi said, Iran backs taking advantage of economic and security benefits in the region.

"We want the tensions under control and we are confident that by controlling the tensions, the ongoing conflicts will not turn into a war," he said.

Exchanges of fire between Armenian and Azeri forces began on Sunday near Tavush in the rugged South Caucasus region, with each side accusing the other of encroaching on their territory. The two former Soviet republics have for decades been locked in a simmering conflict over Karabakh.

In his Thursday remarks, Mousavi also addressed various other issues.

He vowed that Iran will take back its oil money frozen under US pressure in South Korean banks.

The spox added that Iran will not stop following up the arrest warrant it has issued for Trump and other criminals for the assassination of Iran's former IRGC Quds Force Commander Lt. Gen. Qassem Soleimani.

He also addressed Iran EEU cooperation saying that the union has a bright future in the world economy and is located in the neighborhood of Iran, therefore, the Islamic Republic of Iran is trying to enjoy the benefits of this union.

About the Iran-China 25-year cooperation roadmap, Mousavi noted that the Islamic Republic favors long-term and strategic ties with its allies with the aim of establishing comprehensive and strategic relations.
