Written and directed by Mana Pakseresht, the short flick narrates the story of a teenager who is alone at home on her birthday due to self-quarantine. Though, her mother who is a nurse and is in the hospital has a surprise for the girl.
The Corona Short Film Festival, or 1st International Pandemic Self-Isolation Short Film Festival, is a newly launched online competition for short films initiated as a reaction to current COVID-19 developments. It has been established by Berlin-based international industry professionals.
Selected films will be presented on the festival website and will compete for two prizes. In addition to the award created by Serbian artist Boris Bogdanović, the winners will receive a financial prize provided by fritz cola: €1,500 for the Grand Jury Prize and €500 for the Audience Award. Also, both winning films will be picked up for international sales and distribution by the festival partner, interfilm Berlin.
The first edition of the festival will be held on 10-24 May.
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