TEHRAN, Aug. 24 (MNA) – Iranian Deputy Defense Minister Brigadier General Ghasem Taghizadeh said that some of the defense achievements of Iranian forces are not reflected in the media due to security reasons but Iran will stun enemies in case they commit any stupid mistake.

“Of course we have produced a lot of missiles which are not reflected in the media due to security considerations, however, if America and the Zionist regime make any stupid mistake, we will surprise them,” he said on Saturday in a local event in Tehran.

He went on to refer to various defense achievements of the Islamic Republic after the Iraqi imposed war, saying, “during the war, we understood that different countries do not give us our required weapons and when they did, it was way more expensive than its actual price. So the Defense Ministry ramped up its efforts and established many industries.”

At first, it was just reverse engineering but in the next step, various research projects were conducted which led to the manufacturing of 770 domestically-made weapons, he said.

The range of missiles are designed according to the range of threats which extend to 1800 kilometers, he said, adding that Iran has produced ballistic and cruise missiles with pinpoint accuracy. “Our cruise missiles are more precise that US-made ones,” Taghizadeh said.

The Defense Ministry is undertaking thousands of research projects with the help of universities, he said, noting that improving the precision, power, and effectiveness of weapons are on the agenda of such researches.

Iran’s defense sector has seen many great achievements made by Iranian engineers during recent years. The most recent unveiling came on Thursday as domestically made Bavar-373 air defense system came on stream. Tehran has repeatedly announced that its military power is just aimed at defending the country against threats and does not present any threat to others.

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