TEHRAN, Jun. 04 (MNA) – The Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei addressed hundreds of thousands of Iranian people gathered in the mausoleum of Imam Khomeini from across the country to participate in 29th demise anniversary of the founding father of the Islamic Revolution Imam Khomeini (RA).

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei every year in a special mourning ceremony scheduled at Imam Khomeini’s Mausoleum in southern Tehran delivered speech to hundreds of thousands of Iranian and foriegn lovers of the Islamic Republic of Iran participanting in demise anniversary of the founding father of the Islamic Revolution Imam Khomeini.

Hundreds of foreign guests, including scholars and researchers, are  attending the ceremonies. More than 300 foreign correspondents are covering the event.

Addressing participants leader compared Imam khomeini with first Shia Imam Ali (AS) and said, “Imam Khomeini acted in various situations based on priorities and faced enemies actively with courage."

Referring to the achievements of the Islamic Republic of Iran, leader asserted, "Enemies will never be able to halt progress of Iranian nation."

He went on to say, “Imam Khomeini never trusted enemies and believed if you act for God’s sake you may never experience losses.”

Leader stressed, "We should act following late Imam Khomeini’s legacy.”

Referring to US withdraw from the JCPOA and efforts made by enemies to put pressure on Iran, leader added that enemy’s measures against the Islamic Republic show how desperate they are in their faceoff with Iran rather than being a sign of their power.

He went on to say that the measures taken by enemies of the Iranian nation may slow down the forward march of the nation, but cannot stop its progress. Imam never felt weak, nor showed weakness in the face of enemies, but always stood against them with power, the Leader said adding that when dealing with enemies’ plots, Imam Khomeini never gave in to pure sentiments, but made his moves through well-calculated plans.

Ayatollah Khamenei further noted that in dealing with enemies, the Islamic Republic of Iran give priority to domestic potentialities and capabilities of the nation and has absolutely no trust in the enemy.

Mentioning economic, psychological and practical pressures as three major components of enemy's plot against the Iranian nation, the Leader said, "We are well aware of the enemy's plot and disclose it to people."

The main goal they seek through economic pressure and sanctions is not just to mount pressure on the Iranian government, but is to make the Iranian nation disillusioned with the Islamic establishment, the Leader said, adding that with God's assistance and through efforts made by officials and people, the enemy will never achieve this goal.

Touching upon the recent developments in the region, ayatollah Khamenei said, Iran will continue to support oppressed nations and Palestinian, resistance force in the region and the integrity of the regional countries.

Referring the importance of the country's military deterrence and the US and its allies' pressure to force Iran to abandon its missile program said, "Enemy's plot for Iran to abandon its missile program is a dream that will not come true.

"Iran will attack ten times more, if attacked by enemy," he stressed, "enemies don"t want independent Iran in the region, but they will fail."

The Leader said,” Atomic Energy Organization of Iran to must prepare to upgrade enrichment capacity to 190k SWU in accordance to the Nuclear Deal (JCPOA)."

Ayatollah Khamenei also called on young Arabs to take action and initiative to control their own future.