Gasoline Export
In 5-month period:
Iran reports gasoline output has increased 10 million liters
TEHRAN, Feb. 02 (MNA) – Deputy Minister of Oil Mohammad Sadegh Azimifar has said that the average daily gasoline production volume in the country has surged 10 million liters in the recent five months.
Gen. Bagheri:
Iran raises its gasoline output by nearly 10% in 3 months
TEHRAN, Jan. 15 (MNA) – Iran has increased gasoline production by nearly 10% in past three months, according to figures released by the National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company (NIOPDC).
Iran unveils first exportable gasoline catalyst
TEHRAN, Aug. 11 (MNA) – Iran’s first exportable gasoline catalyst was unveiled on Wednesday.
Iran's Oil Minister:
Iran signs new oil contracts, MoUs with Chinese companies
TEHRAN, Mar. 11 (MNA) – Iran's Oil Minister announced that Iran has reached new oil and gas agreements with Chinese companies.
Hike in Iran export during Raeisi administration
TEHRAN, Oct. 21 (MNA) – Exporting a variety of goods has seen a paramount surge over the first half of the Iranian year which manifests the realization of the 13th government's high priority in its economic plans.
Iran rejects Taliban's claim over return of gasoline
TEHRAN, Jun. 01 (MNA) – Iran Customs Administration (IRICA) rejected the Taliban's claim over the return of 12 tankers carrying low-quality gasoline to Iran as incorrect.
Iran determined to expand oil export markets: NIOC chief
TEHRAN, May 27 (MNA) – Chief Executive of National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) said that administration of President Raeisi has paved way for the supply of crude oil in Iran Energy Exchange (IEE) to boost oil export to target markets.